
We are the future.  That's what they tell us, anyway.  We are the college students and recent graduates, we are the twenty-somethings caught between youth and becoming a real grown-up.  We also bring with us new ideas, new norms...a new society.  Let's embrace our creativity and fresh perspective.  Let's put up our dukes to new life challenges.  Let's show them how powerful we are.  Let's tell them how to reach US.  We're can hear them.   We just chose when to listen.

This blog is a source of inspiration peppered with a perspective in creative marketing.  I am a recent graduate from the University of Wisconsin-River Falls with a degree in Marketing Communications.  As I enter the workforce, I strive to keep a connection with my creativity and eager desire to continue learning.  Just because there's a degree in my possession doesn't mean I know it all.  But I do know enough to know a lot.  Especially in my niche.  This is my attempt to keep my peers and colleagues motivated and to provide marketing advice to those attempting to reach us.

Got ideas? I love feedback.  Reach me at twentyandable@gmail.com.  I read every message...so be nice.

Live long and prosper,