They should be. Look at what you've accomplished in the few years you've been around. The pain you've endured, the smiles you've shared, the goals you've met. Life isn't so bad, right?
Here's a thought for you - ever have a light bulb pop up over your head when you weren't expecting it? There you are, just minding your own business, perhaps dwelling on something or contemplating the existence of a hybrid rat-mouse that rescues children from bacteria by gently reminding them to wash their hands, when "Ah-ha!"
It all makes sense.
It may have been something that was a source of sadness, something considered a loss...then it clicked. It wasn't a loss at all. It was a lesson, and a close call. It wasn't something was dodged. But you're such a ninja you didn't even realized you ducked...badass.
There once was a wise woman that went by the royal title of Beyonce who wrote a beautiful sonnet about a love gone wrong being the "best thing [she] never had." Wise Beyonce was considered a goddess among many who just simply should have "put a ring on it." She encouraged those with troubles to take their worries and stick them in "a box to the left." Wisdom beyond her years, indeed.
Alright, lame puns aside, she really does have a point in her latest overplayed single. She thought she lost something, in this case a lover - but, oh wait, he's really a jerk! Whew, Beyonce! Close one!
It doesn't have to be about relationships either. What about that job you didn't get? It seemed like a dream at first, but think about it. Do you REALLY want to move there? Do you REALLY want to spend your days in that particular position? There may be a very dark side you didn't noticed in the glare of awesome you encountered. Losses can really be a gain in the right perspective.
So if you're bumming about something that didn't work out as planned, take a break. Knock it off. Stop it. Instead, let us look at that lovely silver lining, shall we? Maybe it's okay after all. Maybe it was your bullet dodged.