For as long as there has been a moon and a sun, or at least as far as my knowledge of those existing has been around, I have housed a very enthusiastic love for the band Incubus. Their music has gotten me through many life moments and the song "Drive" has an inexpressible amount of importance to me. I firmly believe everyone should discover a song that connects with them in an intellectual and deep way. Having a bad day? Song time. Having a great day? Song time. Eating an ice cream cone and it's melting all over your pants? Song time.
Needless to day, "Drive" is my go-to song. When I hosted my campus radio show at WRFW it out, it's the right choice for radio :) -- there was always an Incubus song of the day, usually preceded by my suddenly over the top excitement for the next artist in the line-up.
I'm a music advocate and eager concert-goer, but have yet to attend an Incubus concert. Turns out the band is about to launch on tour again to promote the drop of a new album. This leads to one very excited educated female. The kicker--those tickets to the closest concert (Chicago) are not in the realm of affordable. Since I missed their tour in 2009 I've been awaiting this announcement...and here I am, unable to attend because of the tightness of my recently graduated wallet. The irony, the agony, the angst! Alright, that was a little dramatic, but I have a point to drive home before curfew, here.
I want to see Incubus. The chance is there, the odds are stacked against it happening. What's a girl to do?
Here's what you do, get a parachute, airplane, and trained pilot. Fly over the concert and parachute in, everyone will be so shocked and aww'd by the awesomeness that no one will throw you out!