Saturday, April 7, 2012

Where's Home Today?

I'll be the first to admit this - I get homesick.  And I think as long as I live I will, at times, feel the tinge of homesickness.  It's not to say I won't love wherever life finds me, but there's a certain comfort we leave when we finally fly the nest.  It's expected, and it's the way it is.

We unfortunately aren't all blessed with a happy home to remember.  Yet throughout our lives we seek comfort in something.  And that comfort IS your home.  It doesn't even need to keep you dry from the rain.  It could be a person, a place, a memory, a book - whatever.  But the reality is, we move on from these things - all the while keeping them safe (and sometimes hidden) in our hearts.  It's not a sign of weakness or altered reality.  We all at some point have a "home," and when its no longer within easy reach...we miss it.

So what's your home?  Is it an actual place where you grew up, or is it something more? Is your home simply hope?   What's fascinating is that as we grow, we establish new homes.   We never forget those other things, only find more significant "homes" to value.  This is good, isn't it?  It shows that we continue to grow, to face challenges, to deal.  We meet people, we establish ourselves further in our careers.  Finding new homes reflects our refusal to stagnate.  We as humans just cannot sit still for too long.  We are always learning, even if we have lived and worked in the same place for years.  Our generation, fellow TwentySomethings, is especially mobile.  We have to be, it's a reaction to survive in the present day.  

So if you're feeling homesick, visit your home in your memories, for even just a moment.  Refuel for a bit, then focus on your day at hand.  One thing we have guaranteed to us is our thoughts.  If we utilize this power correctly, we will never feel truly alone.  When that loneliness hits, remember this: we are ALL in this together.  We are all living in this moment.  We are all fighting our own battles.  Life was never supposed to be easy.  Even if you have the financial stability of royalty, there will be something else to worry about.  If you have love, there will be something else to worry about.  If you feel happiness, embrace it, and realize even when you're truly happy, there will be things that worry you.  

I like to think we have a power over ourselves that's often forgotten.  We become victims of circumstance and our past.  We label ourselves and begin playing that pesky game of "trying to please everyone else."  It's not being selfish or rude to put yourself first.  If you lose your way in life, nothing is stopping you but yourself from stepping back on to the path you want to travel.  This is a realization that is SO HARD for most everyone to come to terms with.  We are all very smart and know our own minds the best.  So why in the world do we doubt ourselves?  If you're kind to others, be kind to yourself.  If you aren't kind to others, knock if off, asshole, and start playing nice.       

As always, please keep those chins up.  You don't want to see what's stuck to that sidewalk anyway.

Saturday, March 17, 2012

What NOT to do to Get that Job, From an Unexpected Insider

Happy St. Patrick’s Day, TwentySomethings! I know it’s the weekend and the last thing you really care about is anything besides the color green and drunken debauchery.  Yet, while I have this moment, I want to share some valuable tips I’ve realized while watching my current place of work rapidly expand their employee base.

I’m usually the initial person a potential candidate will see once they enter our doors.  I, being fresh from the unemployed stage of a clever college grad myself, will be forever stunned with what my peers think they can get away with when interviewing.  Those articles you’ve read about job searching weren’t lying.  It’s a good idea to keep common sense about you.

So take heed, and good luck – may the force be with you.

-       Don’t forget your application!  Even if you electronically sent one, bring some extra hard copies in your portfolio.  Throw some extra resumes in there, too.  You never know who may drop in unexpectedly during your interview (it really happens).

-       Read the damn email.  I have no idea how many times people forget something we’ve requested because they merely skimmed the email.

-       Don’t be late, but don’t be stupidly early either. It turns out your interviewer is most likely doing other things with their day other than just seeing you. Being early is always a good thing, but don’t overdue it.  Two hours sitting in the lobby will not get you any closer than that other guy who came 15 minutes early.  It really just comes across as bad time management.  And you’re much better than that.

-       Be NICE.  To EVERYONE.  They ask the receptionist too, you know.  I’ve seen candidates that were at the top of the list get booted off as soon as the interviewer found out about what fools they were acting like down the hall.

-       Maintain your professionalism at all times.  Just because you’re standing in front of the elevator doesn’t mean we still can’t see you.  And you don’t know whom that is standing NEXT to you in the elevator either.  Save the last minute adjustments for your car or the bathroom stall.

-       For everyone’s sake DRESS NICE. Nobody’s going to chastise you for dressing TOO good. Just be professional.  A prom dress or even dark wash jeans won’t make you look any smarter or a better choice.  This is unique to the company, but err on the side of professional. Please.

-       Sorry, I’m all for self-expression, independence and personal freedom, but guess what?  You want a job?  You’re going to have to play the game, even if it’s just for a little while so you can get that paycheck and move on to something more fulfilling.  It’s really cool you like metal bands, I like some metal bands too. But you won’t see me looking like the bass player of Cradle of Filth anytime soon.  And if it’s an office job 9 to 5 you're going for, you shouldn't look like him, either. At least during that 9 to 5 stretch…if you can make it.

-       See that candy dish on the receptionist’s desk?  It is for everyone.  And you might be safe to gamble and snatch some.  But chances are, if you dig into that bowl like a greedy two year’ll look like a greedy two year old - without a job.

-       It’s recommended that while looking at potential college campuses to ask/irritate current students how they like it there.  This principle changes a bit for the workplace, however.  Chances are, if you walk up to an employee at your place of interview and ask if they like their job...they’re going to say yes, even if it’s a bold face lie.  They probably need the paycheck, and telling a stranger how they really feel puts that revenue into danger.  You’re better off looking online for workplace reviews where these people can hide under the anonymity of the Internet.  Then they'll talk.  And oh, will they talk.

-       ASK QUESTIONS.  Show you’re listening.  If you are a good candidate you probably did some research about the place. Show that knowledge off while maintaining a tactful demeanor.  Your interviewers won’t read your mind, even if they could.  They got enough bouncing around in their own brains.

It is my hope that these observations help you get a step closer to the job you’re reaching for.  Now go get ‘em.

Saturday, February 18, 2012

The Retronaut You Need to Meet

There's a blog I'm readily going to express my love for here.  Say hello to The Retronaut!  This gem of a website has the most fascinating posts that portray human history in a very intimate, interesting sort of manner.  This is NOT your elementary history class, or even your stodgy college one.  It's the pop culture we had almost forgot about.  One particular "time-capsule" that holds a special place in my heart is Celebrities and Their Vinyl. Being a music nutcase as I am, these photos of influential people having a personal moment with music resounds to be shared.  So, fellow TwentySomethings, enjoy the Retronaut, and feel free to share some other sites that strike a chord with you!

Saturday, February 11, 2012

The Coffee Experience and You

Rather than jump on the bandwagon and discuss the disappointment of advertisements during this year’s Superbowl (there were some gems, don’t get me wrong - just not a lot of breathtaking segments), I’ve decided to write about something else that will be more worth your time in the long haul.  Coffee.

Now now, I can hear your grumble already.  I’m not talking about the pretentious coffee that snooty people clench onto whilst hustling down the sidewalk to Macy’s.  I’m not even talking about the coffee shop I’m sitting in right now (by the way table-neighbor, you’d be feet-tapping too if you were listening to these guys).  I’m talking about the Coffee Experience.  

Experience?  The last time I put any thought to experience was when I was updating my resume.  Yet think about it - many Americans suck coffee down several times a day as if its needed for zombie apocalypse survival.  It’s a lifeblood.  I think its safe to say caffeine has a lot to do with it, but we can get that jolt of the friendly drug in other ways - through soda, energy tonics, etc.  So why do so many of us default to coffee?  I’ll tell you: taste for some, the promise of a familiar comfort for most.

I am not a morning person.  I never was and highly doubt I’ll ever be.  One of the things that make getting out of a pillowy, heavenly bed less soul-sucking is a cup of coffee.  Hot, aromatic, and punished with huge amounts of half & half.  The experience of wrapping my fingers around a warm mug and taking that first gulp of “Hello World!” really does something.

We can recall those Folgers ads that harken a good-timey feeling of family and love like this one. Awwweeeeeeee.  This ad isn’t selling coffee of course.  It’s selling the experience of Christmas Morning with loved ones...or at least those you have to tolerate in order to get a good cup of coffee around here.

Yet for me, Fair Trade and responsible coffee is much more important than a brand name.  This is why I think you should check out Peace Coffee. Establishments such as this one pay attention to where their beans come from, assuring farmers are getting paid and treated as all humans should be...with fairness and respect.  

That being said, it takes more than a feel-good advertisement to buy your favorite coffee.  My Coffee Experience is directly related to human rights and justice.  When I clench onto my reusable coffee mug knowing the farmers who sweated in their crops are getting compensated for their hard work, I feel good.  I feel like I’m not hurting someone with my caffeine vice.  I’m assisting in their livelihood.  What’s your Coffee Experience?

In my office, it seems, the coffee machine is absolutely a god.  In the morning you’ll find a good chunk of employees standing around it, groggy like a cowboy’s horse at the watering hole after a day’s wrangling.  The machine churns and spits out brown nectar in a constant stream and soon the line wains and people return to their offices and desks, ready to start the day just as they have been for years.  When the midday hits, it happens all over again.  Some are more dependant than others.  But you WILL know when the machine’s broken.  A roar of agonizing screams is usually the first clue.

This isn’t to criticize the working person’s ritual, especially since my blood-to-coffee ratio is probably worse anyway.  The marketing nerd that I am, however, wants to dissect this behavior to pieces.  Coworkers have their special mugs or use the ones provided by the office, doctor their drink in their own special way, and have the same ritual for each cup, each day. This experience of a cup of coffee has personal branding all over it.

Travel mugs can be as mundane as Bueller’s roll-calling teacher or as full pf pizazz as a jar of glitter and Carrot Top.  Coffee can be taken razor straight or with a gazillion flavoring options that make your head spin...on purpose.  Beans are grown in different regions and roasted at differing temperatures and lengths to create blends that tickle your tongue differently every time.  Coffee can create a community all while hoisting individuality high in the air.

Coffee is a global connection.  And that’s why it means so much more than a hot beverage to us.  It’s an experience we seek out daily.  I think it’s time for cup number two.  Okay, you caught me. Three. It’s cup number three.

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Dissonance Much?

Hey Twenty-Somethings, long time no witty exchange!

Whether this post finds you undergoing the job search or serving the less-than-desirable job to make ends meet - or even living the dream - it's time for 2012.  Yes, it's either the end of the world as we know it, or another chance to make some resolutions to forget about by mid-February.

Here's an interesting angle on life while sorting resolutions, one that you'll think is complete bullshit until you experience it for yourself: dissonance when you logically have everything going for you.  Know what I'm talking about?  Maybe not.  But you will.  Oh, you will.

You see, Twenty-Somethings, you've worked so hard to be where you are.  Whether you're in the workforce or pursuing an education, you've made the choice to see what's beyond the paisley couch.  That's admirable.  Let's even venture to say you've made friends, get along with your family, even have a significant other that actually puts up with your "unique personality."  Roof over your head, food in your stomach, internet at your fingertips.  Your Klout score is even higher than average.  Life is good.

So why, then, do you feel this way?  Like something's missing, like something's unknown, like something is just plain not right.  You find your day-to-day less rewarding than before.  You don't know where you're going, those goals that you met haven't been replaced yet, and you look around to see everything whizzing past - you're in a free fall.

"What the hell?!" You grumble, "Didn't I just lift myself from this?  Shouldn't I be exuberantly happy to the point of pure disgust?  Life is good, it could be so much worse, I'm fortunate and lucky and appreciate every ounce of it."  Yet, you can't shake it.  Something itches.

Well, you can't just scratch it.  It could upset everything.  But has it ever occurred to you that perhaps you're meant for even more?  That this may be good, but why settle for good when you have great to try for?  Perhaps its a perspective thing.  This nasty little predicament can only really be addressed with another, yes ANOTHER, look inward.

Yeah, I know it, you just soul searched last Tuesday.  How can you fit another one in with everything going on?  Showering is sometimes hard to fit in.  And we all truly thank you for resigning to keep up that habit.  Really.  We mean it.  So here's a simple question - What makes YOU happy?

Oh, well, that's easy, laughter and clean underwear.  Ok, that's excellent, but what else?  Now this is where it gets tough.  Lets get down to the nitty gritty and dig.  You're going to need some booze, probably.  Don't make this activity a hassle, don't let cultural mores and norms act as filters, don't let your mind's voice tell you anything's stupid or impossible or wrong.  This is an exercise to find yourself.  The purer one, buried underneath all that you've learned and the culture you live in.  It's still there.  It's just dancing to Lil please, save it.

I plan to travel the world someday, and it's said that traveling is one way to peel back your walls and find that pure you again.  But I know my wallet isn't really ready for that right now.   And it's a good guess many of yours aren't either.  So travel a different way...separate yourself from your norm.  Switch up your routine.  Take a day to explore that park down the street you finally noticed yesterday.  Take  a drive.  Then get comfortable with pen and paper, or laptop, or stone and chisel, if you're so inclined.  Then write.  Remember nobody gets to see this but you, unless you want to share, and it doesn't even have to make sense to anyone but YOU.

This can be frightening.  What if you find you really want something that is nowhere near the direction you're heading?  Well, do you really want it?  If so, you're going to continue this dissonance until a breaking point.  Usually, breaking points aren't pretty...recall a certain B. Spears shaving her head and taking a baseball bat to a vehicle?  I'm guessing there was some sort of inner struggle there... Lets agree right now to not go Brittany Spears.  Ever.  It's Toxic.  See what I did there?  Pure gold.

So figure out a map to get to your happiness.  Take your time, but don't drag your feet.  And good luck, we're all counting on you.